You are all set for the Condor Approach In Austin Texas with Tah and Kole but have you established your flight plan? I'm not talking about your jetblue or southwest. I am talking about your Astrology and Human Design and all the magic you were born with to help you fly, yet you haven’t unlocked it yet!

Do you have a personal high level flight plan that navigates your Astrology and Human Design charts, honors your ancestral agreements, and follows your life path?
If you answered no, then you’re flying in the dark with no navigation system or Flight Plan, and without them, you will waste a lot of time and money lost in the trees as you try to figure out what works for you!

Since you have invested in coming to Austin and diving deeper into the freedom, flexibility, and flow of all that is Condor, this is the perfect class for all successful Condor coaches, regardless of their prior knowledge of Astrology, Human Design, or Gene Keys.

With Sifu Oyi's expert guidance, you will Understand, Design, and then begin to navigate your unique Flight Plan. This class will save you YEARS.

With what you’re going to learn in this master class, EVERY Condor Coach wanting to smash their personal and financial goals WILL DO IT!!! GUARANTEED!!

Come set up your own personal Master Flight plan



-Sifu Oyi

This will be Sifu Oyi’s 3rd Master Class with Tah & Kole, and from sitting in and listening to everything and everyone during the 5-day intensives and watching people be

overwhelmed or go home and not apply what they’ve learned, this class is the class Oyi wished someone would have given him BEFORE he started his Condor Coaching Training.

Why would you take off without a flight plan?  Especially at HIGH altitudes. This ½ day masterclass will give you the clarity you’ve been looking for when planning out your future moves with the training you will be receiving from Tah & Kole from the 7th to the 11th.


400 W. Peachtree St NW STE 4, 509 Atlanta, GA 30308


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